Time to Manage Your Risk

ReportLab for RiskAPI

Dynamic, Customizable Visualization of Risk Data

Now optionally available with the RiskAPI Enterprise service, MIK's ReportLab for RiskAPI allows users to generate custom views of risk within a highly flexible browser-based environment. Easily select any of several RiskAPI calculations and apply them across funds, portfolios, or user-defined classifications. Reports and views can be pre-configured, built on the fly, or downloaded as either PDF's or raw data.


A sample risk visualization generated using Report Lab for RiskAPI


Easily construct reports and views

ReportLab's simple interface allows users to select and apply pre-configured risk calculations to rapidly construct reports or dynamic views of risk.Choose from any of several VaR, exposure, stress testing, and sensitivity calculations. Analytics can be executed across any level of aggregation to drill-down into individual components or sub-portfolios, all on-the-fly.


ReportLab: Risk Reporting Made Simple

Access several RiskAPI Enterprise calculations via a simple web application that requires little or no integration and resides in-house. Features include:

  • Dynamic charting and visuals
  • Summary dashboards with concise risk data
  • Simple and intuitive interface

Contact our sales team to set up a live demo of ReportLab for RisKAPI